72 research outputs found

    Utilization of spent wood chips for biotechnological production of PHA

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    Cieľom práce bolo štúdium vhodnosti hoblín a pilín ako substrátu pre mikrobiálnu produkciu PHA baktériami Burkholderia cepacia a Burkholderia sacchari. V experimentálnej časti práce bol skúmaný najvhodnejší spôsob hydrolýzy hoblín a pilín a vplyv koncentrácie furfuralu a polyfenolov na schopnosť akumulovať PHA. Burkholderia sacchari mala v porovnaní s Burkholderia cepacia vyššiu schopnosť akumulovať PHA. Pri kultivácii Burkholderia sacchari na médium obsahujúce detoxifikovaný hydrolyzát z pilín boli dosiahnuté hodnoty kedy PHB predstavoval 87–89 % celkovej koncentrácie biomasy. Piliny teda predstavujú sľubný substrát na mikrobiálnu produkciu PHA z hľadiska zníženia produkčných nákladov a vysokého obsahu PHB v biomase.The aim of this work was to study the suitability of wood shavings and sawdust as a substrate for microbial production of PHA by bacteria Burkholderia cepacia and Burkholderia sacchari. In the experimental part of the work the most appropriate approach of hydrolysis of wood shaving and sawdust and the effect of polyphenol and furfural concentration on ability to accumulate PHA was studied. Burkholderia sacchari had greater ability to accumulate PHA compared to Burkholderia cepacia. PHB values 87–89 % were achieved when Bulkholderia sacchari was cultivated on medium that contained detoxified hydrolysate of sawdust. Sawdust is therefore a promising substrate for microbial production of PHA in terms of reducing production costs and high content of PHB in biomass.

    Semantically Guided Depth Upsampling

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    We present a novel method for accurate and efficient up- sampling of sparse depth data, guided by high-resolution imagery. Our approach goes beyond the use of intensity cues only and additionally exploits object boundary cues through structured edge detection and semantic scene labeling for guidance. Both cues are combined within a geodesic distance measure that allows for boundary-preserving depth in- terpolation while utilizing local context. We model the observed scene structure by locally planar elements and formulate the upsampling task as a global energy minimization problem. Our method determines glob- ally consistent solutions and preserves fine details and sharp depth bound- aries. In our experiments on several public datasets at different levels of application, we demonstrate superior performance of our approach over the state-of-the-art, even for very sparse measurements.Comment: German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2016 (Oral

    Multi-utility Learning: Structured-output Learning with Multiple Annotation-specific Loss Functions

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    Structured-output learning is a challenging problem; particularly so because of the difficulty in obtaining large datasets of fully labelled instances for training. In this paper we try to overcome this difficulty by presenting a multi-utility learning framework for structured prediction that can learn from training instances with different forms of supervision. We propose a unified technique for inferring the loss functions most suitable for quantifying the consistency of solutions with the given weak annotation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on the challenging semantic image segmentation problem for which a wide variety of annotations can be used. For instance, the popular training datasets for semantic segmentation are composed of images with hard-to-generate full pixel labellings, as well as images with easy-to-obtain weak annotations, such as bounding boxes around objects, or image-level labels that specify which object categories are present in an image. Experimental evaluation shows that the use of annotation-specific loss functions dramatically improves segmentation accuracy compared to the baseline system where only one type of weak annotation is used

    Unsupervised Intuitive Physics from Visual Observations

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    While learning models of intuitive physics is an increasingly active area of research, current approaches still fall short of natural intelligences in one important regard: they require external supervision, such as explicit access to physical states, at training and sometimes even at test times. Some authors have relaxed such requirements by supplementing the model with an handcrafted physical simulator. Still, the resulting methods are unable to automatically learn new complex environments and to understand physical interactions within them. In this work, we demonstrated for the first time learning such predictors directly from raw visual observations and without relying on simulators. We do so in two steps: first, we learn to track mechanically-salient objects in videos using causality and equivariance, two unsupervised learning principles that do not require auto-encoding. Second, we demonstrate that the extracted positions are sufficient to successfully train visual motion predictors that can take the underlying environment into account. We validate our predictors on synthetic datasets; then, we introduce a new dataset, ROLL4REAL, consisting of real objects rolling on complex terrains (pool table, elliptical bowl, and random height-field). We show that in all such cases it is possible to learn reliable extrapolators of the object trajectories from raw videos alone, without any form of external supervision and with no more prior knowledge than the choice of a convolutional neural network architecture

    Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Using Hydrolyzates of Spruce Sawdust: Comparison of Hydrolyzates Detoxification by Application of Overliming, Active Carbon, and Lignite

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial polyesters which are considered biodegradable alternatives to petrochemical plastics. PHAs have a wide range of potential applications, however, the production cost of this bioplastic is several times higher. A major percentage of the final cost is represented by the price of the carbon source used in the fermentation. Burkholderia cepacia and Burkholderia sacchari are generally considered promising candidates for PHA production from lignocellulosic hydrolyzates. The wood waste biomass has been subjected to hydrolysis. The resulting hydrolyzate contained a sufficient amount of fermentable sugars. Growth experiments indicated a strong inhibition by the wood hydrolyzate. Over-liming and activated carbon as an adsorbent of inhibitors were employed for detoxification. All methods of detoxification had a positive influence on the growth of biomass and PHB production. Furthermore, lignite was identified as a promising alternative sorbent which can be used for detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolyzates. Detoxification using lignite instead of activated carbon had lower inhibitor removal efficiency, but greater positive impact on growth of the bacterial culture and overall PHA productivity. Moreover, lignite is a significantly less expensive adsorbent in comparison with activated charcoal and; moreover, used lignite can be simply utilized as a fuel to, at least partially, cover heat and energetic demands of fermentation, which should improve the economic feasibility of the process

    Associative3D: Volumetric Reconstruction from Sparse Views

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    This paper studies the problem of 3D volumetric reconstruction from two views of a scene with an unknown camera. While seemingly easy for humans, this problem poses many challenges for computers since it requires simultaneously reconstructing objects in the two views while also figuring out their relationship. We propose a new approach that estimates reconstructions, distributions over the camera/object and camera/camera transformations, as well as an inter-view object affinity matrix. This information is then jointly reasoned over to produce the most likely explanation of the scene. We train and test our approach on a dataset of indoor scenes, and rigorously evaluate the merits of our joint reasoning approach. Our experiments show that it is able to recover reasonable scenes from sparse views, while the problem is still challenging. Project site: https://jasonqsy.github.io/Associative3DComment: ECCV 202

    3D Fluid Flow Estimation with Integrated Particle Reconstruction

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    The standard approach to densely reconstruct the motion in a volume of fluid is to inject high-contrast tracer particles and record their motion with multiple high-speed cameras. Almost all existing work processes the acquired multi-view video in two separate steps, utilizing either a pure Eulerian or pure Lagrangian approach. Eulerian methods perform a voxel-based reconstruction of particles per time step, followed by 3D motion estimation, with some form of dense matching between the precomputed voxel grids from different time steps. In this sequential procedure, the first step cannot use temporal consistency considerations to support the reconstruction, while the second step has no access to the original, high-resolution image data. Alternatively, Lagrangian methods reconstruct an explicit, sparse set of particles and track the individual particles over time. Physical constraints can only be incorporated in a post-processing step when interpolating the particle tracks to a dense motion field. We show, for the first time, how to jointly reconstruct both the individual tracer particles and a dense 3D fluid motion field from the image data, using an integrated energy minimization. Our hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian model reconstructs individual particles, and at the same time recovers a dense 3D motion field in the entire domain. Making particles explicit greatly reduces the memory consumption and allows one to use the high-res input images for matching. Whereas the dense motion field makes it possible to include physical a-priori constraints and account for the incompressibility and viscosity of the fluid. The method exhibits greatly (~70%) improved results over our recently published baseline with two separate steps for 3D reconstruction and motion estimation. Our results with only two time steps are comparable to those of sota tracking-based methods that require much longer sequences.Comment: To appear in International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV